Friday, November 15, 2013

Guitar Shopping in Riyadh

I went in search of guitars in Riyadh yesterday and today. Let me tell you, the selection is very limited. Firstly, I could only find two shops as least by looking online. There may be more, but they are a well-kept mystery if so. Secondly, one shop had nothing but Yamaha guitars, and the other had Yamaha, Samick, and a few Squires.  There was not a single pro-quality instrument to be seen.  And left-handed? Forget it.
The other thing I discovered is that they make no attempt to tune the guitars. Every guitar in both stores was very out of tune, and when I picked one up and tuned it, everybody started looking at me as if I was some sort of a pro, because I knew how I guess.  Neigher store had any place to really be able to sit down and try one out, and in one of the stores it seemed as if the guys working there thought I was being inappropriate to want to tune them.  Kinda counter-intuitive. I would think they would be happy to have somebody tune up their guitars for them.
I actually had a conversation with a teenage girl in one of the stores, who was looking for one to buy, and the guys working there did not appear to know anything. So I explained the difference between a classical vs. steel string acoustic guitar. It made me a little nervous but her mother was there, so I guess it was ok.
Anyway, the one I bought was actually a reasonably good deal — 300 SR (about $80) for a Yamaha C-40.  If I find any other musicians, maybe I will revisit bringing over a guitar from home.


  1. Hi there, would you know where I could buy Savarez Cantiga medium tension here in Riyadh. I would need it for my wife, is a professional classical guitarist. She is coming soon to Riyadh to join me and all our strings are still in our shipment that will arrive only in July.

    1. Wow, Riyadh can sure use a professional classical guitarist! I seriously doubt you can find anything that specific here - so you should be sure to bring what you need from elsewhere. The best shop I have found is the Dawliah store in Granada Mall but it is nothing like even an average guitar shop in the USA.
      Good luck!

  2. I've been looking for 6 months for a professional guitar. I found none! I guess I'll have to bring my gear back from home!

    1. I agree with you on that. After I wrote this post, I ended up bringing my own Epiphone Joe Pass and a Carvin fretless bass (both of them left-handed, since that's my curse) from my home in Los Angeles. Then you have to deal with issues of how to transport it. Although I do know a Saudi guy who has a Joe Pass, and I will ask him how he got it. You can order guitars from Musician's Friend and specify delivery to Saudi Arabia, although personally I would be concerned about ever actually getting it (maybe I should make another post on my adventures with Saudi mail delivery). Maybe there is a business opportunity here ... it seems to me a capital city needs a guitar shop where you can get the real thing.

  3. Russ may I ask - where in Riyadh did you end up purchasing the Yamaha C40? I did go shopping to the Batha Yamaha store but they wouldn't budge on their prices even though they had a sale the day prior. Thanks, Mike

  4. I bought mine at the "Music Square" shop in Akaria Mall (on Olaya Street, a few hundred meters south of the Kingdom tower. I paid 300SR (about 78 USD) which I thought was weird because they had another one that seemed to me identical for which I believe they wanted 600SR. I didn't complain :) That shop has a selection of different Yamahas both acoustic and electric, and maybe nothing but Yamahas.

    You may find things "overpriced" here but I think the shop owners kinda know what you could get it for online, plus what it would cost you to get it shipped, and they set their prices to be competitive with that. So if you travel back and forth with some regularity, you will do best by bringing a (better) guitar into the country.

  5. Please can you tell where is this shop in Riyadh ??

  6. It is in Akaria Plaza, GPS coordinates approximately 24.704607, 46.679876. The other shop I would recommend checking, with a somewhat better selection (but still cheap stuff) is in Granada mall, GPS approximately 24.781319, 46.729757.

    1. Sorry I meant Akaria Mall, not Akaria Plaza.

  7. Hi. I'm looking for an acoustic guitar in Riyadh that isn't too expensive or too big or Sth.. Do you know where I can find one?? I am a beginner so I don't really know which to get...

  8. Also, I forgot to ask, what brands/models would be good for beginners but still be good when I get better?

  9. Hi, you can check out either of the shops I mentioned in my previous post. I think the one in Akaria Mall sells only Yamaha. The good news is that every guitar for sale in Riyadh is a beginner guitar. I often suggest to beginners to consider a nylon string guitar (Spanish style or "clssical") because the nylon strings are much easier on the fingers, but if you want to play pop music the sound might not be right for you. Really you should get what appeals to you, because that will help you stay motivated to practice. The Yamahas are all fine and reasonably good value for the money. I live near Akaria and could meet you there sometime if you want (but I can't play them too well since I play left-handed).

  10. Hi Russ,

    Niel here.

    Just wanted to say it's a great thing that there is a fellow musician here at KSA helping out regarding the subject. I'be been to Qatar, Dubai, Oman and Bahrain... and i must say I too am deeply disappointed to find less options here in Riyadh when hunting for the right gear.

    Unfortunately I too brought some gear with me (limited to only an Ibanez electric and a few floorboard gfx)... I find myself hunting for a half decent jumbo dreadnought acoustic.

    On your quest for a half decent axe, did you by any chance, find any decent steel string jumbo acoustics? I kinda miss the playing dynamics of an acoustic as opposed to an electric simulation of an acoustic.

    Appreciate any info.

    Will definitely share if in case I find anything worth mentioning, other than that you've already shared here ;)

    1. I think the Yamahas on sale at Music square in Akaria Mall are "half decent." BTW I recently discovered that the shop in Al Faisaliah has closed, no doubt the Mutawa thought it was too much.
      I have not personally tried this yet, but there is a service called Aramex, they have offices all around Riyadh, and they can ship stuff to Saudi Arabia for you. You order whatever you want and have it shipped to an Aramex address in the US, and then they ship it to KSA. Then you can pick it up at the Aramex office.

  11. go in khobar try ramaniyah there are two known stores groundfloor -dawliyah, first floor audio monitor brands like prs,marshall,washburn.
    dawliyah yamaha, fenders greg bennette,fenders and so fort many. khobar in shamalia area also in shamalia in kingg khaleed street you'll find dawliyah shops with many collections. 4 hours journey from riyadh by car 5-6 by bus and train. trin stations is in malaz. saptco in al azizyah and vip saptco along king fahad road near MOI.

    1. Thanks for the input on guitars in Khobar. But I think if you are in Riyadh, the route of buying one online and dealing with the shipping through Aramex would be preferable to a 8-hour round trip by car. and of course, online you can buy anything ...

  12. I definitely agree with Russ on the online purchases, tried getting some gears a few years ago from sweetwater/UK when I was in Qatar. The gear arrived in tip top condition, we'll packed by DHL.

    Anyhow, I do agree with Russ regarding the ridiculously-high-priced Yamaha axes at Akaria Mall.

    So took myself to Dawliah at Granada Mall and found some Fender acoustics. Just a tip to all those hunting for a decent acoustic... at Dawliah at said mall, most of the Fender acoustics have defects that either having fret buzzes at strange places, and another with a warped neck!

    So just make sure u guys know what you're doing as the store assistant, when asked for a non-defective stock... irritatingly replied: "ALL" our stocks are the same!

    So just make sure u know what u are getting into, as a guitar with a warped neck, or fret buzzes, or intonation issues more often than not is caused by improper storage and/or handling which most retailers here deliberately won't mention to unknowing customers.

    Dawliah store at Granada specifically kept their guitars in an unconditioned room, seemingly warm and damp which leads to defects that will require tedious repair processes mostly carried out by manufacturers or pro guitar luths.

    So better read up on how to shop for an axe free from defects to ensure you get value for money or at the very least, free from defects.

    Will probably have an acoustic shipped from elsewhere since it i's becoming seemingly pointless hunting for decent gear here in Riyadh.


  13. Hi Russ,

    I'm looking for Hermanos sanchis lopez-F2 for the long period time and honestly I dont know where can i find it!
    Truly, I lost control of myself!

    1. Truly I fear your search is doomed! You can't find anything but beginner instruments and mass-manufactured ones here. Music Square in Akaria
      Mall sells classical-style guitars but they are all Yamaha. If you want a Hermanos Sanches Lopez F2, you need to bring it with you --- or master the use of Aramex and buy it online and have it shipped here. But it sounds to me like it will be worth it for you!

  14. Hai Russ How Are you
    looking for a Best Electric Guitar so can you prefer me to buy a best Electric guitar and I want pop music and Smoth music nylon and any other brand is there so plzzz can u said about Electric guitar

  15. Hi Khaled, I think the Al Dawliah shop in Granada Center has a pretty good selection of electric guitars. They actually have some Fenders so that's a good quality electric guitar.
    Generally electric guitars must have metal strings --- the metal string moving over the magnetic pickup induces a current, and it just won't work with non-metallic strings. You can get an electrified nylon string acoustic guitar, but it sounds like you are really looking for an electric for pop music.
    If you want a smoother sound, you could try some flat-wound strings but you probably cannot buy them in Saudi Arabia.
    Al Dawliah's phone number is 405-0854.

  16. Hi Russ! Do you know of any fender acoustic guitars available within the kingdom?

    1. Yes, the Al Dawliah store in Granada Center has a limited selection that includes Fender.

    2. Thank you for your reply Russ... I checked out that store. By Riyadh standards, they have a wider selection of guitars. I personally liked the Samick guitars when I tested them. What do you think Russ? I'm kinda new to this brand. Are they any good?

  17. They are ok. Made in Korea. The big difference from when I was a boy is that cheap guitars are pretty good nowadays, everything is made with computer-controlled machinery so they can be accurate. When I was a kid, cheap guitars often were impossible to tune. Just be sure to plug it in to an amp and make sure it has no unexpected noise, and you might need to do a little work to set it up properly (e.g. bridge adjustments).

    1. Thanks for the input Russ. I was originally looking for a Fender since it's already an established brand but sadly there's only one available and I didn't like the sound. The Samick one has a brighter tone. Still have to check how it sounds like plugged in. Lastly, what kind of noises do I have to watch out for when I test it next time?

  18. Well you know the tones are strongly changed by the pickup selector switch and of cource, the tone control knob!
    Don't be surprised if you hear a little him, and it might be louder when you are not touching the strings. Just make sure it is not really bad --- for instance that it is not a lot more than for the other electric guitars there. I think most of the Samick guitars have single coil pickups, which are more susceptible to hum, but the sound brighter! This is in comparison to "humbucking" pickups, which have a double row of magnets per pickup instead of a single row. These are designed to reduce (but not eliminate) hum. Fender stratocasters, for example, have single-coil pickups whereas Gibson electric guitars generally have humbuckers. Both are good, it's just as player preference.

  19. Hi Russ,

    I lost hope to buy anything related to music from Dawliah as they are expensive, with limited selection and bad service after sales.

    I managed to buy my left handed guitars "Gibson Les Paul R9, Gibson Les Paul traditional, Fender Stratocaster deluxe" all from ebay and musicians friend through Aramex, also my tube amp and all my pedals.

    It takes 1 week to 10 days to get your item.



  20. Thanks Maz. Wow another leftie! How much did it cost to go through Aramex?

    1. It depends on the wight,so it was between 700-800 SAR.


